Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Arriva la Befana

The noun Befana derives from the word Epiphany, meaning ‘manifestation’ and refers to Jesus manifestation to the Magi. In popular tradition, especially in Central Italy, the Befana is pictured as an ugly old lady, dressed in rags and flying in the sky riding a broomstick (though her appearance may resemble the one of a witch, she is a nice old lady, believe me). She delivers good children toys and sweets, while bad behaved children receive pieces of charcoal. In the night between the 5th and the 6th of January, Befana comes down houses’ chimneys (yes, she is a kind of female Santa Claus) and fills up stockings left hanging near the fireplace with presents or coal.

According to the legend, the Magi asked her for directions while going to Bethlehem to visit Jesus. Although they urged her to follow them and adore the child, the woman did not leave her home. Regretting this, she later baked cakes and went out to look for the Magi, but could not find them. So she stopped in every house on the way hoping to find the child Jesus. She has travelled around the world since then giving presents to children in order to be forgiven for her unkindness. Well, really hope your stocking will be full of delicious sweeties tomorrow morning...

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