Thursday 21 April 2011

Italian in the kitchen

If you like cooking and come across an interesting Italian cousine book it can be useful to know how some of the most common verbs used to describe the different activities of cooking are translated. The following matching exercise will help you learn some new words useful to the purpose (the solution is published as a comment below). Buon divertimento e Buon appetito!

(1) Mescolare tutti gli ingredienti
(2) Soffriggere la cipolla
(3) Cuocere a fuoco lento
(4) Cuocere al forno per un'ora
(5) Tagliare a fettine il pane
(6) Tagliare a dadini il prosciutto
(7) Bollire la pasta
(8) Friggere il pesce
(9) Sbattere le uova
(10)Condire le verdure

(a) Whisk the eggs
(b) Chop the ham into cubes
(c) Season the vegetables
(d) Fry the fish
(e) Boil the pasta
(f) Cook in the oven for an hour
(g) Mix all the ingredients
(h) Simmer
(i) Brown the onions
(l) Cut the bread into slices

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